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The length of time having CBT therapy is dependent on the nature and chronicity of the problems and on the level of motivation of the client to work at overcoming them.
However, on average, clients attend between 6 and 15 sessions of cognitive behaviour therapy. Given some people have had problems going back years, this is fairly short process.
Recent research has shown that people can underestimate how many sessions they need to make life changes. Any form of talking therapy might take longer than you think.
The overwhelming aim of CBT is to enable the patient to be “independent” and not become “dependant”. Most patients complete their treatment and find returning between 6 to 12 weeks for a follow up is helpful, but not obligatory.
Typically, a therapy session lasts 50 mins. This is the time that the client and therapist are meeting face-to-face in the office. At the start of therapy sessions will run more closely together, maybe weekly or fortnightly, and as therapy progresses sessions will be more spread out, to allow you to practice your new skills.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a very problem focused approach. This means that we will focus on analysing what is wrong and subsequently on teaching you how to fix these problems.
The first 2-3 sessions are taken up with finding out what created the problems and what keeps the problems going.
This course of action will often involve identifying specific goals for therapy, selecting specific methods and strategies that are going to be used and will check if you are in agreement with this.
During sessions further along in treatment the content will vary between the therapist explaining certain issues (i.e. how lack of activity increases depression); analysing with you in very structured way problematic situations, designing specific tasks designed to teach you to deal differently with problems etc.
For information about cost, please see our Fees page.
Yes, CBT Therapy is generally covered by medical insurance, but please check with your insurance company. Greenacre CBT registered to provide CBT with most major insurers including BUPA, Axa, Aviva, Vitality, Beneden and WPA. There may be an excess to pay on your treatment.
Yes, but waiting times vary from area to area. Most NHS services will expect you to commence with some guided self help, group work , and telephone appointments, before you can commence on one to one therapy. Your GP will be able to advise you about this. I am happy to see patients’ privately, until they receive an NHS appointment.
There are no weekend appointments and the last appointment commences at 5.00pm. Most people find employers will be helpful about attending for appointments.